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Stow Fen Brewing Co – Fox Red 8%

Fox Red 8%

750ml Hand Crafted Ales

Stow Fen Fox Red is a complex full bodied hand crafted ale, brewed using three of the finest malts and hops. Our Fox Red is deep and rich in colour with a sweet fruit flavour which in turn paths the way to an extremely smooth finish.

Locally brewed in Bungay, Suffolk.


Suitable for Vegans

This is a bottle conditioned beer and may contain some sediment which is a natural deposit from the bonttle fermentation process pour carefully to ensure a clear glass of beer. For opitmal flavour & aroma best consumed around 12-15oC, any haze results froms natural proteins remaining in the beer after the brewing process, which enhances the flavour.


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About The Brewery

As lovers of alcoholic beverages ourselves “WE” often used to frequent the locals in our historic town of Bungay in Suffolk.
The “WE” little did we know at the time were Mr Paul Holland and Mr Phil Gilham who were to be, and now are, the CO FOUNDERS of STOW FEN  BREWING CO LTD.
All best ideas and business deals seem to be “brewed up” after a few habitual pints, but as we all know, most ideas are left right there in the local along with the empty glass.
There’s always the exception to the rule. When Phil happened to mention to Paul that he had always fancied brewing his own beer and owning a brewery, instead of it just being an “alcohol fuelled” comment that often falls by the wayside, Paul grasped the concept with both hands and said “That’s brilliant, love it, a brewery we will have.”

STOW FEN BREWERY was no longer a wish –  it has actually happened (or, the dream has become reality) in historic buildings at Fenview overlooking Stow Fen in the heart of the picturesque Waveney Valley.
Great Grandad William Holland farmed once Fen Place of which Fenview is the last remaining part of the family farm and now the site of the STOW FEN brewery.
William Holland passed on all his worldly goods to Russell Holland who, in turn, passed them down to Paul Holland. Paul will in time pass them down to his son Harrison Holland in keeping with the Holland family tradition.
Russell Hollands carpentry workshops underwent a major renovation and redevelopment to become what is now The STOW FEN brewery and head-quarters to the rear Fenview.
Paul, wife Michelle and son Harrison live next to the brewery on the historical site.

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