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Mauldons Brewery – Scrooge’s Revenge – Tawny Ale – 4.9% 500ml

About the beer

Scrooge’s Revenge

Tawny Ale – 4.9%

‘Bah! Humbug!’

A bitter and twisted tawny red ale. Don’t be fooled by his frosty features, a dose of Scrooge’s Revenge can redeem almost any soul from the cold.

East Anglian malted barley with a duo of Perle and Bramling Cross hops. A malt and fruit aroma gives way to a rich, full-bodied finish.



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About the brewery

A family run business

In 1795 the Mauldon family of Sudbury first became involved in brewing, for in that year Anna Maria Mauldon began brewing at the Bull Hotel in Sudbury.

As the business prospered, additional pubs and hotels were purchased and in the early 1800’s the brewery moved to a larger premises in Ballingdon street.

Eventually the business consisted of a brewery with some 30 tied public houses, a wine and spirit business and a small farm. It was then sold to Messrs. Greene King in 1960.

In 1981, Peter Mauldon, the great grandson of Anna Maria decided to re-establish the family tradition and start a brewery in Sudbury once again. Peter had been too young to be involved in the original family business and had previously pursued a career with Messrs. Watney where he progressed to Head Brewer at the company’s large Mortlake Brewery.

In 1982 premises on the Chilton Industrial Estate were acquired, the brewery was constructed and on the December of that year the first barrels of beer were being brewed again in Sudbury by a Mauldon. Following the decision of Peter and Jane Mauldon to retire, Steve and Alison Sims purchased the Sudbury based brewery on 1 March 2000. The brewery was well established, and using only traditional methods and quality materials, supplied a range of premium real ales throughout the country.

In September 2019 Charlie Buckle, who lives on his family farm just 10 miles from Sudbury, purchased the brewery. With their passion for beer and particularly Mauldons beer, it was the perfect way to continue the business as it always has been, in the hands of a family who care.


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